
Male breast reduction

Surgery to reduce unwanted male breast tissue

Is male breast reduction suitable for me?

There are two main reasons for excess breast tissue in men. Firstly, if you are overweight or obese and secondly there are certain prescription drugs and medical conditions which may also cause breast tissue to grow. Most breast male enlargement in young men is idiopathic i.e no cause can be found. Sometimes it is reversible but on occasions it can be permanent and surgery can be considered. Your surgeon will discuss with you any relevant medical history that may contribute to such conditions.
The Procedure
Duration 2-3 hours
Hospital Stay: Overnight
Recovery: 4-6 weeks


In the first consultation, the surgeon will listen to your concerns. This is a vital part of the process in order to achieve the best results to match your expectations. The relation of your breast size to the rest of your body is important, so you may be advised to lose some weight prior to surgery to achieve the best possible result. You will also be advised about possible scarring and other complications. It is important that these issues are discussed before surgery, so that you can think about them and make an informed consent.

The procedure

Male breast reduction for gynecomastia, is an operation that can successfully reduce the male breasts by removing excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the area. The surgeon will cut around the dark skin surrounding the nipple (the areola) and the excess fat, skin and breast tissue will be removed. Liposuction can also be performed in some selected cases.

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